with Megan Reilly
Who Is Your
Momma Podcast
Conversations with incredible moms
who have raised exceptional people.
I'm happy you're here!
A Bit About Me…
Hey there! I am Megan Reilly and the creator of Who Is Your Momma Pod. I have three precious little girls and I am married to my best friend who happens to be SuperDad! My day job is co-owner & COO of Tippi Toes, Inc and I spend my days expanding Tippi Toes Dance Franchises around the US & the world.
I started Who Is Your Momma Podcast because when I became a mom about 9 years ago, I was always looking for answers. I started calling & texting my own mom with questions all the time! My mom had gone through every single thing that I was experiencing and my mom had three grown children who all were thriving and happy in adulthood and so the proof was in the pudding, you might say!
I seek out mommas who have raised top CEOs, athletes, entrepreneurs, and entertainers who are happy & fulfilled. What was her experience? What things did she do with her kids? What does she think she did well? Are there things she wished she did more often? Less often?
Our conversations lead to so many insights and after every conversation, I feel like I have gained at least a few tools that will help me in my quest to be the best momma I can be. Plus I now have the best phone-a-friend list that every mom needs!