I almost used this as my website!  What in the hell was I thinking?!  I asked my insanely talented friend, Kate McElroy, if I could get away with this horrific GoDaddy site and she graciously gave me some suggestions.  Basically, she swerved me back on track and made me realize that I love this podcast too much to make a horrific website.  

Then I reached out to another talented colleague, Jeff Venn of Create Studios, who built out the Tippi Toes site which I love and he connected me with two more skilled experts Alex Varian and Austin Sherrill who created a stunning site that I adore and that represents how special this podcast is to me.

Now, I hope the website isn’t make or break for my podcast, but I think this was all a reminder of how close a good decision is to a bad every day! I was this close to a terrible website and am so grateful for a strong tribe of people who helped me make the site what it is today!

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