It is Friday, April 3rd, and we are about 4 weeks into the thick of the pandemic.  My work with Tippi Toes has been insane, I have been working around the clock, literally 18 hour days and it has been an emotional rollercoaster.  

Meanwhile, Who Is Your Momma website is being built which is super exciting!  To see a website come together on an idea I have been mulling over and crafting for a year and a half is thrilling.  More excitement comes that day when I get a DM via IG from Jesse Itzler, he wants to connect over the weekend to talk about the podcast.  

Jesse calls later that Friday evening and shares his thoughts.  He basically says he is launching a new 24/7 live stream platform through his company, BYLR (Build Your Life Resume) and it will be loaded with music, inspiration, and really great content.  He went on to say he loves the idea of my podcast and wanted to see what I thought about having Who Is Your Momma on this platform?  He wanted to know my expectations, plan, etc. 

My heart starts pumping!

The fact this conversation is happening is exciting.  Yes, because Jesse is a super successful entrepreneur, author, speaker, athlete, but also because this is a totally different type of support for my podcast.  This isn’t like hey good idea lady.  This is I want to support this idea, I want to be a part of this idea, I believe in this idea…there is a big difference and I felt that.  The fact that it was coming from someone I consider a mentor is just icing on the cake.  

I do my best to further convince Jesse that I am a hustler, I will deliver and that I am beyond honored to be a part of this new platform.  I share with him that I have 6 episodes ready to go, I have an amazing logo designed by a dear friend, Kate McElroy, and the website is underway.  It had been 6 months since I interviewed his mom and so it wasn’t like I was interviewing at a blistering pace.  I explain the trials I experienced, but my motivation to keep going. 

I shared with him that my motivation for this podcast came from me solving my own problem which was wanting more sound parenting advice from real parents who I knew had amazing adult children.  I got super advice from my mom and it made me want to explore for more. I love the idea of serving people all over who might not have access to a slew of tremendous mom advice. Jesse got it, and agreed there was real value!

We wrap up the conversation and he asks me to send him everything I have so 60 minutes later, I sent him episodes and logo and everything I had!  

What a great ending to a crazy, busy, stressful, exciting and wonderful week!

I rehash the conversation with my husband and am so excited.  We head to the couch to Netflix and chill around 10 pm that night and then my phone dings.

Jesse emails me a bit after 10 pm to tell me, he got my email & he re-listened to the interview I did with his mom and he LOVED it.  His sensational wife, Sara Blakely, wants me to interview her mom (this sentence dances around in my heart & soul a bit because Sara is my Oprah).  Then Jesse proceeds to list an amazing list of people he thinks WE* can get and he would tee them up for me.  *Did he just describe this effort in terms of WE?!!  Freaking amazing!

He is excited and knows this can be HUGE!

That is it!  I am dead!  I am thrilled!  Goodnight!

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