Backstory: Kelli Haywood is a friend of mine from college and what I remember most about Kelli in college was she seemed to be involved in everything and she did everything really well. She was one of the first people I met who could sing her heart out. When I heard she went to Nashville after college to chase her dream, I knew it wasn’t a matter of IF she would make it, it was just a matter of when!
Kelli made her dreams happen, she found love in Nashville and is raising her family.
There are not many people who move to music city to chase their dreams and actually make it happen! Kelli did!
Because of Kelli’s path, I knew her mom would be a fantastic guest for Who Is Your Momma!
Donna’s Insights
Donna shares more about raising her two kids Tony & Kelli, watching them navigate life, overcome challenges, and ultimately achieve their dreams!
Her daughter Kelli Haywood lives Nashville with her family and has started her own Talent management company KCH entertainment and she started her own podcast network, She is married to country music super star Dave Haywood of Lady A and they are raising two kiddos.
Donna’s son Tony served in Iraq as a Counterintelligence Special Agent. Tony then went on to operate the family business when their father passed away in 2012. Tony has expanded their business in the Dallas area and he is happily married to Jessica and they have two kids.
Donna is a legendary momma and is here to share her experiences with you! I am proud to present to you, Donna Cashiola!